July 21, 2012

Creation of webpart page and content editor webpart programatically in sharepoint 2010

 public static bool insert(PropellerStudioBL propellerStudioBL)

            bool insert = false;
                using (MysiteDataContext context = new MysiteDataContext(SiteHelper.SiteUrl))

                    PropellerItem propellerStudioItem = new PropellerItem()


                     Title  = propellerStudioBL.Propellertitle,


                    if (propellerStudioItem.Id > 0)
                        insert = true;
                        if (propellerStudioBL.Title != null && propellerStudioBL.Title != string.Empty)
                            insert = true;
            return insert;
     public static System.Data.DataTable GetPropellerData(PropellerStudioBL propellerStudioBL)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            DataRow row;
            SPSite spsite;


                using (VCSBINTRANETDataContext context = new VCSBINTRANETDataContext(SiteHelper.SiteUrl))

                    var quer = from propellerda in context.PropellerStudio
                               orderby propellerda.Id descending
                               select propellerda;

                    if (quer != null)
                        foreach (PropellerStudioItem item in quer.Take(3))
                            row = dt.Rows.Add();
                            row["Title"] = Convert.ToString(item.Title);
                            row["Url"] = Convert.ToString(SPContext.Current.Web.Url + "/pages/" + item.Title + ".aspx");
            return dt;


           <asp:GridView ID="grdPropeller"  Width="100%" runat="server" BorderStyle="None" 
               AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLines="None" EmptyDataText="There are no items to show in this view."
                       <ItemStyle Width="350px" />
                           <asp:HyperLink ID="HypTitle" NavigateUrl='<%# Eval("Url") %>' runat="server">
                           <%# Eval("Title")%>                                              
                       <br />
 Function to add A contenteditorwebpart dynamically

protected void createcontenteditorwebpart(string pagename)
            SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site;
                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())

                    SPList list = web.Lists["Pages"];
                    string postInformation =

                      "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +

                      "<Method>" +

                        "<SetList Scope=\"Request\">" + list.ID + "</SetList>" +

                        "<SetVar Name=\"ID\">New</SetVar>" +

                        "<SetVar Name=\"Cmd\">NewWebPage</SetVar>" +

                        "<SetVar Name=\"Type\">WebPartPage</SetVar>" +

                        "<SetVar Name=\"WebPartPageTemplate\">1</SetVar>" +

                        "<SetVar Name=\"Title\">" + pagename + "</SetVar>" +

                        "<SetVar Name=\"Overwrite\">true</SetVar>" +

                    string processBatch = web.ProcessBatchData(postInformation);
Function to creat A webpartPage 
 public void Createwebpartpage(string title)
            SPFile page = SPContext.Current.Web.GetFile("/Pages/" + title + ".aspx");
            using (SPLimitedWebPartManager wpmgr = page.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared))
                XmlElement p = new XmlDocument().CreateElement("p");
                p.InnerText = "Edit this webpart to add content on this Page";

                ContentEditorWebPart cewp = new ContentEditorWebPart
                    Content = p
                wpmgr.AddWebPart(cewp, "Header", 0);

1.Call  Createwebpartpage(txtPropellerTitle.Text);function in submit button.
2.Add Microsoft.sharepoint.publishing dll in reference

Sample for creating a a Article page programatically
 public void createuserwiki(string title)
            SPWeb spweb = SPContext.Current.Web;

            PublishingWeb publishingWeb = PublishingWeb.GetPublishingWeb(spweb);
            string pageName = title + ".aspx";

            PageLayout[] pageLayouts = publishingWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts();
            PageLayout currPageLayout = pageLayouts[9];
            PublishingPageCollection pages = publishingWeb.GetPublishingPages();
           PublishingPage newPage = pages.Add(pageName, currPageLayout);

            newPage.ListItem[FieldId.PublishingPageContent] = "";
            newPage.ListItem[FieldId.RollupImage] = "";
            newPage.ListItem[FieldId.Title] = "";

            newPage.CheckIn("This is just a comment");
            SPFile page = SPContext.Current.Web.GetFile("/Pages/" + title + ".aspx");
            using (SPLimitedWebPartManager wpmgr = page.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared))
                XmlElement p = new XmlDocument().CreateElement("p");
                p.InnerText = "Edit this webpart to add content on this Page";
                // page.DeleteProperty(pageLayouts[0]);

                ContentEditorWebPart cewp = new ContentEditorWebPart
                    Content = p
                wpmgr.AddWebPart(cewp, "Header", 0);


Trying to use an SPWeb object that has been closed or disposed and is no longer valid.

Solution for this error
The reason behind this is a silly mistake that developers do, when trying to use the SPSite/SPWeb objects. Here is the bad code that resulted in the error:

I used the using clause alongwith the SPContext.Current.Site which resulted in this error, it implicilty disposes the SPSite object which should not be done when using the SPContext object. Lets refactor the code a little bit and have a look at the good code snippet which resolved this issue:

Thats about it, my code started working when I removed the using clause from the SPContext.Current.Site. The same thing is true when you try to either explicitly/implicitly Dispose the SPContext.Current.Web object. So moral of the story never dispose SPContext objects either implicitly leveraging the using clause or explicitly by using Dispose method from in your finally block.