March 05, 2012

Migration Steps From Sharepoint 2007 to Sharepoint 2010

There are three types of methods for migrating an MOSS 2007 site to SharePoint 2010 site.

1> InProcess method where you install SharePoint 2010 on the top of SharePoint 2007.

2> ContentDb Migration (detailed steps are given below)

3> Hybrid Migration (A combination of above 2 methods)

Sharepoint 2010 Upgrade - ContentDb Method

Please find the step-by-step procedure for the migration of a MOSS 2007 site to SharePoint 2010.

1) Ensure that the current environment is 64 bit and october cumulative updates for sharepoint are installed on the server.

2) Run pre upgrade check

Command : stsadm –o preupgradecheck

3) Analyze the preupgrade check report for any potential issues and road blocks.

a. Any issues regarding the views, large lists, OS and DB versions can be ignored.
b. Any issues regarding missing webparts and features can be ignored.
c. Conisder the data regarding the database schema, setup files and any critical issues mentioned.

4) Run enumallwebs on each content DB to find orphaned site collections.

Command : STSADM -o enumallwebs -databaseserver -includefeatures -includesetupfiles -includewebparts -includeeventreceivers -includecustomlistview >> c:\EnumAllWebs.txt

Note : change the database server name to the content dB server name and the target file path (if necessary)

5) Scan through the above report and identify any Orphaned sitecollections using the string InSiteMap="False". Any site collections with this string are orphaned.

6) Run backup tree to find out different databases

a. stsadm –o backup –showtree

7) Run enumSSP to findout the webapplication list associated with SSPs.

a. stsadm –o enumssp –title [nameofssp]

8) Do a manual check in central admin for any installed solutions and site templates and note down the web applications\sites against which they were deployed

9) Get a backup of all the solutions and site templates as .wsp packages

10) Identify any third party components used and contact the vendor support for SP2010 compatibility.

11) Get SSP DB from production Back up SSP

a. stsadm -o backup -directory -backupmethod full -item

12) Get Content DB from production Run preparetomove before detaching content DB

a. Any database that is attached to a MOSS 2007 farm and consuming from an SSP has to have
stsadm -o preparetomove executed prior to the actual detach from the farm
Command: stsadm -o preparetomove
{-ContentDB |
-Site }
[-OldContentDB ]

b. For detaching databases cleanly from the farm we really only care about the first 2 switches. So your command might look like this.

e.g., stsadm -o preparetomove -contentdb SQLSERVER:DBNAME -site

13) Get the 12 Hive backup, GAC folder, Inetpub folder for identifying the customizations

a. GAC can be accessed in file system view using the command at Run prompt “%systemroot%\assembly\GAC_MSIL
14) Prepare the list of customizations by comparing the above files with the files in a standard environment.

15) For identifying all the sites with the customizations found in the above list execute the windows application (App) and get the list.

16) Move all the customizations to SP2010 environement

17) Create webapplications in SP2010.

18) Drop the current DB associated with the webapplications and restore and attach the SP2007 content DB.

19) Restore the SSP database and attach the services to the web applications

20) Deploy the solution packages and Site templates.

21) Verify the logs for success and test the migrated sites

22) During testing activate any custom features that are not activated as a part of restore operation.

23) Update the document with findings and distribute.

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